Monday, October 29, 2012


I want to take a moment to express some gratitude to some really amazing people.  

First, it was with some sadness that I had to say goodbye to Megan Stone today as she heads back to Austin.  Her talk on Friday was fantastic.  She had a very interesting study with very interesting results.  It was energetic and fun and perfectly pitched.  What made it all the more amazing was that she came up here at her own expense.

It was great to have her up here.  We got a start on a survey/discussion article on the place of idioms in grammatical theory we hope to have out in a couple of months as well.  So be on the look out for that.

I also want to thank the students who showed up to her talk.  You all were fantastic.  Dr. Haag and I were blown away by the number of students there and the level of engagement.  Fantastic questions and comments.  You all really should levels of understanding well beyond your academic level.  I was very proud to be associated with you.

For those of you outside Norman, the attendance was all the more impressive because we were butting up against one of the biggest football games in OU's history (and if you know anything about OU football).  ESPN had a stage right outside our building.  Campus was a zoo.  It was a pain in the rear to get into the building.  

Overall, just very blessed to have the friends/colleagues and students that I do.  Y'all rock!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Lingua Article available

My Lingua article "Three forms of English verb particle constructions" is now available online.

If you do not have institutional access, please email me ( and I will be happy to share.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Old Friends

I'm currently sitting in my office handling some clerical stuff for my classes while Megan Stone reviews her talk for this afternoon.

Life is good!

If you are in Norman, be sure to come to Megans' talk!

Monday, October 8, 2012


I want to give a special nod to all the organizers and presenters at ALC 6 at the University of Arizona.  I was not there this year but everything I've heard about it suggests that it was a great success.  That conference has a very special place in my heart since Yosuke Sato and I organized the first meeting.  I am so proud to see it continue and develop.  Fantastic work!  I wish I had been there to enjoy it.